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Ben Carroll
Ben Carroll
Warm, Conversational, Authentic, Professional, Dynamic, Manly, Guy Next Door
Last online2 months ago
Ben Carroll
Warm, Conversational, Authentic, Professional, Dynamic, Manly, Guy Next Door
Last online2 months ago
Playlists (7)
Sample Library
Duration: 5:08 - Total samples: 6
Ben Carroll - 1:01
Brand Narration
Ben Carroll - 0:36
TV Narration
Ben Carroll - 1:22
Explainer Video
Ben Carroll - 0:30
E Learning
Ben Carroll - 1:08
Business Instructional Sample
Ben Carroll - 0:29
Duration: 1:01 - Total samples: 1
Ben Carroll - 1:01
Brand Narration Sample
Duration: 0:36 - Total samples: 1
TV Narration
Duration: 1:22 - Total samples: 1
Explainer Samples
Duration: 0:30 - Total samples: 1
Business Instructional Samples
Duration: 0:29 - Total samples: 1
E Learning Sample
Duration: 1:08 - Total samples: 1
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About Ben
Member sinceMar 30, 2018
LocationChicago, IL, USA (GMT -5)
Ben Carroll is a voice actor located in Chicago, IL, USA. He has been actively working as a voice actor since 1999. He has worked for a diverse pool of clients and brands, such as McDonald's, Anheuser-Busch and Honda. Listen to 12 voice over samples that showcase his best work. | 312.945.6177 |
I'm a seasoned voice actor with a surprisingly broad range. From gritty, blue-collar conversational, Mike Rowe style commercial and narration, to warm, humorous Seth Rogan type character reads, to polished and professional corporate presentations, I bring an authentic, accessible and distinct male voice to your project.
My voice has been described as:
Conversational - professional - storyteller - educational - explainer - web video - internet - business - corporate - online - guy next door - regular joe - casual - easygoing - knowledgeable - technology - friendly - persuasive - laid back - edgy -sarcastic - humorous - professional - reassuring - abrupt - straightforward - easygoing - blue collar - manly - soothing - tough - playful - uplifting - attitude - classy - intellectual - dynamic - comforting - narrator - strong - sincere - trustworthy - amusing - caring - attractive - animated - corporate - educational - energetic - articulate - upbeat - engaging - friendly - announcer - character
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male young adult
Male senior
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Remote live direction
Source Connect
Phone patch
On-site recording
Chicago, IL, USA
Additional vocal abilities
American regional - Boston, New York, Chicago, Southern, Western -Texas, West Coast. Voicematch for Seth Rogen, John Hamm and John Goodman.
Experience, training, and equipment
I've been a working actor and voice actor for over 20 years. With a background in improv comedy, I began my voiceover career in Chicago working for industry leading ad agencies such as DDB Needham and Leo Burnett on accounts for Anheuser-Busch and McDonald's among others. After relocating to Los Angeles and working on TV shows ranging from The Office to Criminal Minds to Desperate Housewives as well as some feature films you've probably never heard of, I was proud to add campaigns for Honda, Microsoft, Intel, Nationwide Insurance, Publix, Jared Jewelers, Trane and more to my client list. I'm also proud to have worked on the Halo and Final Fantasy franchises in the gaming world. My return clients most appreciate my creativity, professionalism, reliability and overall positive approach to my work.
After attending St. Ambrose University, Ben is proud to have trained at The Players Workshop in Chicago, The Second City Training Center in Los Angeles and several top training programs for on-camera acting also in Los Angeles. Ben has trained and been on staff at Kalmenson & Kalmenson in Los Angeles and is currently an instructor at The VO Dojo. He's worked with coaches such as Marice Tobias, Dave Walsh, Thom Pinto, David Lyerly, Tish Hicks and J Michael Collins.
Ben's private studio is equipped with broadcast quality components from Sennheiser, Shure, Universal Audio, Adobe and Apple. He records in a custom built booth and communications are handled via Source-Connect, ipDTL, or phone patch. Files are generally delivered by email or FTP. Other options are available on request.