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Barry Collier
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Barry Collier
professional barnyard and other animal sounds.
Last online13 years ago
Barry Collier
professional barnyard and other animal sounds.
Last online13 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 2:06 - Total samples: 1
Old Mc Doodles Farm
Barry Collier - 2:06
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About Barry
Member sinceMay 16, 2009
I do professional barnyard animal sounds and other professional animal sounds in a play called the story of Old MCDoodles farm and a skit called The Swamp Boggy Bash. The Story Of Old MCdoodles Farm is one of the most funny, hilarious comedy demo tapes I have ever listened to. It is guaranteed to make any one laugh. The Swamp Boggy Bash comedy skit is also a funny comedy act. Anyone with chilren or seeking to find a comedy skit to laugh at will really enjoy both of these comedy plays.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
I can preform two professionaly written skits. The first skit I preform is called The Story Of Old MCdoodles Farm. This comedy skit contains professional sounding barnyard animal sounds with a southern accent. I have a demo tape of this skit on file.The other skit I preform is called The Swamp Boggy Bash. It is a professionaly written comedy skit which contains realistic animal sounds and a humorus comedy skit written about life in the southern swamp.
Experience, training, and equipment
I auditioned for Americas Got Talent in Orlando, Florida in January,2008. The judges liked my audition and paid my way to the next round of Auditions in Atlanta,Georgia in February,2008.I preformed barnyard animal sounds before a nationwide TV audience and a audience of about five thousand people in person. The nationwide TV broadcast aired in July of 2008. I was the offical pig call guy for the Florida Tuskers football team from September 2009 thru December 2009. Before home games I Preformed the Wild Pig Calls on stage on a PA sound system for the Florida Tuskers Football team.
I learned how to do barn yard animal sounds when I was a child growning up watching tv shows like "Old Yeller" "Run Cougar Run" and "Swiss Family Robinson"
None right now. I preform my professional comedy skits in person for the right price.
I can do other professional voiceover sounds.