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Ashley Garrett
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Ashley Garrett
Warm, friendly, authoritative, sexy, professional
Last online6 years ago
Ashley Garrett
Warm, friendly, authoritative, sexy, professional
Last online6 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 5:02 - Total samples: 3
Ashley Garrett Narration Demo
Ashley Garrett - 1:49
Political Demo
Ashley Garrett - 1:39
Narration Demo Without Music
Ashley Garrett - 1:32
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About Ashley
Member sinceApr 12, 2005
English (North American).
Ashley Garrett's voice is often described as friendly but authoritative. She can be warm, believable, genuine, sultry, classy, sexy, smart, strong, professional, intelligent, energetic, dramatic and smooth.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female senior
Female adult
Female young adult
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
Ashley Garrett can make her voice sound much younger or much older than what is heard on her demos.
Experience, training, and equipment
Ashley Garrett has recorded for companies in several industries including: Financial Services, Legal Services, Electronics, Automotive, Retail, Telephone, Real Estate, Construction, Fine Arts, Medical and Politics.
These companies include: American Express, Microsoft, Coca-Cola, MasterCard, L'Oreal, PSE&G, Aetna, Energis, Gems TV, Samsung, Computer Associates, Realty World,Inform Fitness, Encore Landscaping, Blum's Swimwear, Lighthouse International, Communities in Schools, All Souls Church, The Liberty Inn and Charing Cross Hospital.
Her voiceover work has included: Commercials, Podcasts, E-learning Tutorials, Telephone Response Systems, Video News Releases, Training Videos, Promos, Industrials, Infomercials, and Political Commercials.
College degree: AB in Theater from Smith College
Graduate degree: MBA from Harvard Business School
Voiceover Coaches (NYC): Susan Berkley, David Zema, Steve Harris and Mary Warren.
Shure SM58 Microphone
Sound proof desk top recording booth
Audacity Program
Ashley Garrett graduated from Smith College with a degree in Theater and eventually went on to get her MBA from Harvard Business School. She spent several years in the financial services world before starting her voiceover business. Ms. Garrett's business experience, coupled with her authoritative voice, enables her to continually obtain voiceover work in the corporate world.