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Art Zuke
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Art Zuke
Versatile: warm and sensual,to upbeat,to over-top!
Last online15 years ago
Art Zuke
Versatile: warm and sensual,to upbeat,to over-top!
Last online15 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 1:34 - Total samples: 5
Art Zuke- compilation
Art Zuke - 0:49
Art Zuke - 0:10
Art Zuke- Trust Me
Art Zuke - 0:10
Art Zuke- PSA, Documentary
Art Zuke - 0:11
Art Zuke- IVR Voicemail
Art Zuke - 0:13
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About Art
Member sinceAug 24, 2008
My voice is very versatile- everything from warm and sensual, to upbeat, to over-the-top! I have 4 years of experience in broadcast and a great deal of vocal training, so I have a good command of a wide vocal range both in pitch and in dynamics.
Other useful information: I have a basic understanding of French and its pronounciations, and a knowledge of and passion for jazz music, classical music, the arts in general, and pop culture of the past and present (my kids keep me up to date!). I play several instruments (brass and woodwind), and I am a singer (from "classical" to jazz to pop).
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male young adult
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
Fluent in English, but familiar with French.
Experience, training, and equipment
I have 4 years of broadcast experience (KDSU, Fargo, ND: 1987 - 1989, 1990 - 1991). Since that time I have continued to use my voice a lot in my career as a music teacher, and in my personal enjoyment as a singer and as a PA announcer/DJ at community club events in Sandy Hook, Manitoba. I also have done sound design for the drama department at West Kildonan Collegiate in Winnipeg, which is where I teach.
broadcast experience, music teacher, singer, sound designer for school projects, PA announcer, DJ, karaoke king! I am also one of the voices available through Dacapo productions in Winnipeg.
I produce sound on my PC, and record with a ZOOM H-4.
My career and life experiences lend themselves to being able to provide you with a very professional, effective, and affective product. I've heard time and time again how people love my voice... that appeal can work for you!!