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Andy Harris
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Andy Harris
Young, Hip, Character Specialist, Fun, imaging
Last online6 years ago
Andy Harris
Young, Hip, Character Specialist, Fun, imaging
Last online6 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 7:04 - Total samples: 5
Animation/Comedy VO Demo - Andy Harris
Andy Harris - 1:32
Commercial VO Demo
Andy Harris - 0:58
Radio Imaging VO Demo - Andy Harris
Andy Harris - 1:59
Promo Demo
Andy Harris - 0:48
Complete Custom Imaging Demo
Andy Harris - 1:46
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About Andy
Member sinceJul 2, 2008
Young, Hip, Fun, Energetic, Specialize in characters, warm and deep or fun and light for narrations, impeccable comedic timing, Guy next-door, imaging, promo
Current Ongoing Gigs:
-Writer/producer/VO for Premiere Networks, have provided countless comedy bits and character voice overs for hundreds of affiliates throughout the U.S. and Canada.
-The promo/imaging voice of the "iHeartRadio Countdown w/Romeo," which airs on 100+ radio stations worldwide.
-The promo/imaging voice of the "iHeartRadio Countdown w/Mario Lopez."
-Promo voice for The Daily Dose w/ Dr. Oz
I have done commercial production and voice over work for KYSR-FM/Los Angeles where I was creative services/imaging director. Have extensive experience with copywriting, voicing and producing. Former creative services director for WNKS-FM Charlotte (CHR-TOP 40), where I was wrote, voiced, and produced radio commercials.
I have been heard on Z100/New York, KIIS-FM/Los Angeles, Y100/Miami and countless other radio stations, as well as the Travel Channel.
I have done every end of the spectrum, and done every voice--from "Deep Voiced Movie Trailer Guy" to "Average Joe"--from "Angry Old Man" to "Hip Teenager".
-Carolina School of Broadcasting -- Studied Radio and TV
-Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre/Los Angeles -- Improv and Sketch Writing/Performing
-University of North Carolina-Charlotte -- Communications, English
-Home studio: Shure SM7B microphone, Behringer Xenyx 1204 USB Mixer, Adobe Audition 3.0
-Access to professional broadcasting studio 24/7
Former imaging/creative director for KYSR-Los Angeles, proficient in radio commercial production, radio station promo production, audio editing, radio comedy bit-writing and production, stage performance, live improvisational comedy performance, comedy-writing, sketch-writing, sketch-performance, promotional copy-writing