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Amanda Shalhoub
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Amanda Shalhoub
mom, wife, believable, trustworthy, sultry
Last online13 years ago
Amanda Shalhoub
mom, wife, believable, trustworthy, sultry
Last online13 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 2:30 - Total samples: 4
Commercial Demo
Amanda Shalhoub - 0:42
Training Demo
Amanda Shalhoub - 0:31
On Hold and Phone Systems Demo
Amanda Shalhoub - 0:57
Website Avatar Demo
Amanda Shalhoub - 0:19
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About Amanda
Member sinceMar 4, 2011
Personable and believable for narrations. Approachable and professional for presentations. Fun and energetic for commercials.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Female young adult
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
British accent, middle eastern accent, mid-western accent.
Experience, training, and equipment
When I was 19 years old I was offered an unpaid internship at a local public radio station. It was on their airwaves that a producer heard my voice and wanted to hire me to voice a commercial. I couldn't believe someone was actually going to pay me to do what I loved! That launched my voice over career. I continued to work in radio for the next ten years and have done a lot of voice work in between. From commercials, to narrations, on hold phone messages, to video games you name it I've done it!
B.A in Radio and Television (Mass Communications/Journalism) from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Worked as Assistant Program Director for 10 years. Produced and hosted a music show which included interviews of bands and musicians. Produced and engineered in studio performances.
Voiced all commercials for the radio station.
Voiced many commercials and narrations for studios in Milwaukee and Chicago.
I have access to ISDN. I also have a home studio with a Digital Board and edit using Adobe Audition. I use a Shure SM7 microphone which I find the best for voice quality. If I am recording music then I would give the musician a Shure SM58 for a vocal mic and mic their instruments with a Shure SM57
I am also an on camera actor, host and spokesperson and have been for 15 years. I can produce finished spots with written copy, music, sound effects and voice. Having worked on air in radio and radio management for 10 years I am also willing to do voice over consults/coaching.