Clients include Accenture, Campanile, Chanel, Cisco, Euroclear bank, Georama TV, GlaxoSmithKline, Le Centre Pompidou, LVMH, McKinsey, Microsoft, Oracle, Polycom, Scania, Tefal, Virgin Airlines.
Three+ years training at Voicetrax in San Francisco with over 200 hours of classes in acting, improv, narration, commercials, animation, dialog, scene study, and self-direction. My extensive experience as a teacher and an editor mean that using words to convey meaning and emotion is second nature to me.
My home studio consists of a full sound-proof booth equipped with a Mojave MA-201fet mic, Grace 101 preamp, and Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface.
I have a PhD in cryptography and a decade of experience editing and developing educational and popular-science books, as well as teaching experience at all levels, and trade/sales presentations. Technical and educational scripts are my forte.