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Alexander Ananasso
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Alexander Ananasso
Warm, Engaging, Young, Enthusiastic, Bright, Sexy
Last online1 year ago
Alexander Ananasso
Warm, Engaging, Young, Enthusiastic, Bright, Sexy
Last online1 year ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 9:07 - Total samples: 10
Italian VoiceReel
Alexander Ananasso - 1:35
English VoiceReel
Alexander Ananasso - 1:39
Spanish VoiceReel
Alexander Ananasso - 1:08
Cartoon Voices ITA
Alexander Ananasso - 0:33
PlayStation 5 - Play has no limits (Italian)
Alexander Ananasso - 1:00
Reconsider South Africa
Alexander Ananasso - 0:30
Vicious Brother videogame
Alexander Ananasso - 1:11
Bosch 2020 (Italian)
Alexander Ananasso - 0:30
How to use iCloud Drive
Alexander Ananasso - 0:28
Hyunday World Cup
Alexander Ananasso - 0:30
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About Alexander
Member sinceSep 9, 2016
LocationLondon, UK (GMT +1)
Alexander Ananasso is a voice actor located in London, UK. He has been actively working as a voice actor since 2013. He has worked for a diverse pool of clients and brands, such as VISA, PlayStation and American Express. Listen to 10 voice over samples that showcase his best work.
Native in British English and Italian. Fluent in Spanish. Warm, deep and engaging for narrations and corporate; sexy, intense, fun and bright for commercials; smooth and professional for presentations and events; young and light for cartoons.
Skills and services offered
English - British
Spanish - Castilian (from Spain)
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Jobs for these unions signatories
British Equity
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Source Connect
Remote live direction
London, UK
Additional vocal abilities
Standard British English. General Italian (Dizione) or Rome accent. Cartoon/videogame voices.
Experience, training, and equipment
Alexander started his career as Voice Artist in 2014 after good training and in a short time he has gathered a really significative work experience.
Some recent jobs are Lego online commercial, Google radio commercial, Gillette World Sport, Mylan TVC, Peppa Pig.
Main product types are TV and Radio commercials, trailers, corporate, presentations, commentaries, online shows, videogames and cartoons.
Some of the clients he has worked for are Gillette, Lego, McVitie's, Cartoon Network, Lord of the Rings Videogame, UPS, Eversheds.
Mike AudioTechnica AT2020+, pop filter and professional studio.
Alexander is native bilingual British English/Italian and also speaks fluent Spanish. He also works in cinema and stage as actor, and is a coach for actors and businesses.