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Ahmad Zaher
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Ahmad Zaher
Rich, Deep, Sophisticated
Last online7 years ago
Ahmad Zaher
Rich, Deep, Sophisticated
Last online7 years ago
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About Ahmad
Member sinceNov 2, 2011
A stylish, honey-toned, equally at home in Arabic
Skills and services offered
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male young adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
Experience, training, and equipment
June 2011 till September 2016 The Head Of Audio Production and Official Voice Over For CBC CHANNELS in Egypt (CBC /CBC+2 /CBC DRAMA).
May 2014 till now official voice over for B4U Aflam ( Indian Movies ) in Dubai
Made the VOICE OVER of ( THE X FACTOR ) Campaign and Program .
Made the VOICE OVER of (Star Academy) Campaign and Program.
Official Voice Over For Coke Studio Program in Middle East
Made the VOICE OVER of many documentary films for ( NATIONAL GEO AD and ALJ AZEERA DOCUMENTARY ).
news presenter at (BBC Arabic ) London.
October 2007 – March 2010: AUDIO PRODUCTION MANAGER & VOICE OVER in "Mass Media Production Co." for mass advertising, Cairo, Egypt.
March 2010 till 2011: Audio PRODUCTION MANAGER & VOICE OVER in
PROCOMMUNICATION advertising agency, Cairo, Egypt.
Advertisements made
Cleopatra Ceramics.
THE X Factor ( Arab World )
El Sweedy Cables.
SsangYong Musso Car
Subaro Imperaza Car
Jeep Car
Masr Oil
Shell Helix
Voice Over Master Class holder ( UK ) 2012 with Jerrmy Clarkson ( Top Gear Presenter )
4th of March- 15th of March 2007
A- AlJazeera Media Training and Development Centre- Al Jazeera Channel
TV News Presentation – a course conducted by David Seymour (Senior Media Consultant – Thomson Foundation- UK)
Trained in “News Presentation” for the duration of two weeks, conducting daily presentations in front of the camera in a studio.
Learned the basics of being a News Anchor. Plus covering the various “tricks” to follow; as in breathing, nerves, and manner.
Learned essential and advanced broadcasting techniques such as how to deal and cope well with using the autocue, studying and controlling the body language and confidence measures. In addition to the anchor’s role as a ‘journalist on air’.
Trained in altering the mood and tone, as well as altering the pace and reactions in synchronization with and dependence on the news being presented.
Covered location broadcasting and live reporting.
Learned various interviewing techniques, and actually held a few in training, within news presentations.
Practiced news presentations using full news bulletins, breaking news, reports and pictures, as well as interviews.
Successfully recorded a whole ‘show bulletin’.
Two practical workshops were additionally held :
With Jameel Azar (Presenter, Al Jazeera Channel) about writing to picture,
And Leila AL Sheikaly (Presenter, Al Jazeera Channel).
B- Focus Academy in Dubai TV News Presentation- a course Conducted by Ammar Shehab and Soheer Alqayssi and Rima Salha Alarabiya TV Presenters