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Adam Cunningham
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Adam Cunningham
Warm, relatable, confident, trustworthy, enthusiastic and intelligent.
Last online2 years ago
Adam Cunningham
Warm, relatable, confident, trustworthy, enthusiastic and intelligent.
Last online2 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 11:10 - Total samples: 8
Adam Cunningham - Truck, Construction, Gruff
Adam Cunningham - 0:20
Video Narration
Adam Cunningham - 4:41
Adam Cunningham - Animation Demo
Adam Cunningham - 1:08
Adam Cunningham - Commercial Demo
Adam Cunningham - 1:07
Adam Cunningham Narration Russian and Teen
Adam Cunningham - 2:24
Adam Cunningham eLearning Demo
Adam Cunningham - 0:40
Adam Cunningham - Narration - Grizzled Male
Adam Cunningham - 0:16
Adam Cunningham - Audiobook Narration Demo
Adam Cunningham - 0:31
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About Adam
Member sinceJun 3, 2018
LocationLas Vegas, NV, USA (GMT -7)
Cunningham's voice is warm, relatable, confident, trustworthy, enthusiastic and intelligent. His emotionally connected voice adds value to everything from complex narrations to professional presentations to energetic sales pitches.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Source Connect
On-site recording
Las Vegas, NV, USA
Additional vocal abilities
New York (Brooklyn to Staten Island/New Jersey), Southern (Southeast, Texas), Russian, British (cockney, midlands, RP), Scottish, Arabic, Latin, French, Israeli
Experience, training, and equipment
A voiceover veteran with over 25 years of experience, Cunningham has voiced videogames, animation, radio and TV commercials and audiobook genres ranging from sci-fi to romance, non-fiction to historical fiction.
Cunningham's voice has been described as warm, relatable, confident, trustworthy, enthusiastic and intelligent.
Clients include:
* MasterCard
* Hyundai
* McDonald’s
* Southern Comfort
* Nissan
* Disney
* Nickelodeon
* Dreamworks
* Penguin Audio - Romance and Sci-Fi
* (ACX)
American Conservatory Theater, MFA
My home studio includes state-of-the-art recording equipment including:
- Home Studio with Source Connect, M-Audio Nova Class A Condenser Microphone with shock mount and pop filter.
- Audacity and TwistedWave software with full suite of filters, noise-canceling capabilities.
Audio files can be delivered as follows: mp3 by email, WAV/AIF files by FTP or Thumb drives via mail.