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Aaron Phillips
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Aaron Phillips
Natural Baritone/Tenor with characters to boot!
Last online3 years ago
Aaron Phillips
Natural Baritone/Tenor with characters to boot!
Last online3 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 4:13 - Total samples: 3
Commercial - Natural Voice
Aaron Phillips - 1:42
Commercial - Character voices
Aaron Phillips - 1:16
Videogames - Aaron Phillips
Aaron Phillips - 1:15
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About Aaron
Member sinceDec 15, 2007
I am a versatile voice actor with a great character base to choose from. While I can create over-the-top senior characters, my natural age range is 17-45. I range from average natural guy on the street to crazy, zany, professor.
I've been in the business for years and done almost every kind of voice over, such as commercials (radio and TV), video games, animation, audiobooks, educational software, testimonials, ringtones, corporate presentations, and children's programming.
I take direction extremely well, I'm focused, fun, and creative. I'm very plugged in to what's needed in the voice over world right now and I've got all the stylin', smooth, sultry (well maybe not sultry) sounds that are required to grab your listener's attention.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
New York
American South (Upper Class)
American South (Appalachian Hills)
American Midwest
California surfer
British RP
Experience, training, and equipment
Some snippets from my resume:
Video Game
Dragon's Dogma (VG Trailer) - Narrator/Glynn - Capcom/Maverick Studios
Lord of the Rings:Online - Bosi/Elrond - Hamsterball Studios
Dance Central 2 - Bodie - Explosion Robinson
World of Warcraft - Wrathion - Blizzard Entertainment
Deadmund's Quest - Sir Roland/Engineer/Captain of the Guard - Sony Entertainment
Dungeons and Dragons - Lars Heyton - Hamsterball Studios
Red Dead Redemption - Sergeant - Rockstar Games
Film and Animation (voice over)
Sex Galaxy (non-pornographic)| Billy(lead) | Stag Films
Buffer Zone |Marvin Mumm (lead)|Dave Kellum Comics
3 Pang Fighter | Dr. Knuckles/Various Char. | Susan Ruttan (prod.)
Vipo the Flying Wonderdog | Blacky the Sheep | Joie Albrecht (dir.)
Case of the Friendly Corpse | Jules Riley (Lead) | Mad Hatter Studios
Kilkenny Cats | Various voices | Mad Hatter Studios
Final Blackout | Various voices | Mad Hatter Studios
Fear | Various voices | Mad Hatter Studios
Battlefield Earth | Various voices | Mad Hatter Studios
Yes or No: Better Decisions | Narrator/Various voices | Dae Shin Studios (Korean English language release)
English Language Learning | Narrator/Various voices | Disney
Weekly Reader | Narrator/Various voices | Singlish Productions
Circle K – “Dictionary” | Laster Productions
Circle K – "Rocket” | Laster Productions
Circle K – “Yeti” | Laster Productions
Circle K - "Global Cooling" | Laster Productions
Law Offices of Allen Farshi | Setareh Productions
CASIO “Super Kids” | SIGHT Entertainment, Inc.
Optimum Wifi | Annc. | Cablevision
Dragon's Dogma (VG Trailer) - Narrator/Glynn - Capcom/Maverick Studios
Ringtone Characters | RingtonesforU
Audio Lecture | University of Seoul
Evergreen Oil | Hyrax Productions
ETKPS training | Hamsterball Studios
XpoLog Introduction - XpoLog
Digital Fuel Software Walkthrough - VM Ware
I was initially thrown into the fire, so to speak, while working another job in South Korea. A recording studio/production company heard some of the educational software I had done and asked me to come in and work for them for a variety of different voice over jobs.
Since returning to the states I studied under the impressive tutelage of renowned voice over artist and director William Williams at Aliso Creek Productions. I have also studied with a number of different acting coaches in LA and NY, and can be seen on the stage and screen.
I am also a classically trained singer with a degree in Vocal Performance from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro School of Music. I have been performing professionally for years in opera, musical theatre, straight theatre, film, and tv.
I have been the singer of several different rock bands and still enjoy composition and recording very much. I've worked in many studios both as a voice over artist and a musician and am very familiar with recording equipment.
I record using a Neumann TLM 102 running into an Mbox 2 into a high performance laptop running Pro Tools 8. All of this happens in my soundproof recording booth.
I have an excellent eye and ear for writing copy. I also continue to perform regularly in all the facets I mentioned earlier. I am currently working on a demo of my jingle and singing skills, but would gladly audition for anything you have at any time.