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Christian Rey
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Christian Rey
Expert Radio Voice Over, Sarcastic Audio Producer
Last online12 years ago
Christian Rey
Expert Radio Voice Over, Sarcastic Audio Producer
Last online12 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 14:28 - Total samples: 17
Power106 LA Club Spot
Christian Rey - 0:58
Radio Imaging Voice Over
Christian Rey - 0:59
Radio Imaging Voice Over 2
Christian Rey - 1:01
Stadium Nissan OC California
Christian Rey - 0:57
Radio Imaging Voice Over 3
Christian Rey - 0:53
Exit Strategy 30 sec spot
Christian Rey - 0:31
Skee 24 7 Announcer Voice
Christian Rey - 0:54
Knight Rider Style DJ Intro
Christian Rey - 0:57
Canada Radio Club Commercial
Christian Rey - 0:35
Voice Character Accents
Christian Rey - 0:59
More Radio Voice Stuff
Christian Rey - 0:56
Voice Character Stuff
Christian Rey - 0:59
KDL FM LA Radio Voice Over
Christian Rey - 0:48
KDL FM LA Radio Voice Over 2
Christian Rey - 0:57
Heavy Weights Boxing Announcer
Christian Rey - 0:56
Power106 The Beat 1003 FM LA
Christian Rey - 0:27
Sketchomatic Show Air Check
Christian Rey - 0:32
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About Christian
Member sinceFeb 21, 2013
I am an all around voice over dude, 10 years plus in the making. I have been producing and voicing in the L.A. radio market since 1997. Nation to world wide markets since 2004 till present day. I can deliver the 'smooth professional' or 'deep radio guy' voice, to the filtered 'sinister' guy over the phone, to the teenage kid going through puberty. Mimic voices such as 'Stewie Griffin', to the 'ESPN' announcer, to that one guy from Mexico who can hardly speak English (I am from Mexico City, so please do not take offense), to just about any voice I can spend enough time with listening too. I ALWAYS deliver the most incredibly well produced audio possible. That is my specialty.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
English, California surfer dude-like totally. British-a bit of the ol' spot on you see, all the nooks and cranny's? Hispanic-that's wussup n thaass iiit, homes. Russian-my name Lubomir Visnovsky an I play American Hockey. Scottish- Ay, drrink till yourrre drrrunk enough love tha bag pipes. Canadian, hockey is better in Canada, and sooh is our money, Ehhy.
Experience, training, and equipment
Producer . Voice . DJ. Recording Engineer . Production Director. Audio Imaging. Board Op.
Currently using Pro Tools 9 and Ableton Live 8
Creative audio imaging producer with over a decade of experience in Los Angeles and nation wide radio market.
Power106 FM/Big Boy's Neighborhood Morning Show, Nation Wide 2006 - Present Day.
I currently produce for the morning show from my home in Burbank. Weekly assignments include the very popular "Phonetap", and the traditional Neighborhood Friday Song, otherwise known as the L.A. Song.
Past duties include running the national and local control boards for broadcast. On the fly production during AM drive, recording and loading artist audio/drops, editing artist interviews for playback with quick turn around time for on-air playback in as little as 5 -10 min. Uploading recap promos, and show content to national affiliates via FTP. Attending "Red Carpet" events, interviewing and recording artists for next day playback. Sending and receiving copy for Big Boy and on-air talent voice overs. Voicing and producing all morning show teases, rejoins, sweeps, drops, editing all morning show bits/skits, editing and helping to pitch in on creating ideas for Big Boys "phone taps". Recording and producing all morning show related commercials/spots ( i.e. Club spots, Universal City Nissan, Stadium Nissan Verizon Wireless, A&G, Concert spots, spec spots, etc.) Voicing and producing my own commercial spots ( i.e. Cerritos Nissan Tags, Red Bull, Club spots, Verizon Wireless, Apple, Freeway Insurance, School of Culinary Arts, etc. ) With quick turn around time for client approval. National weekend show, and local show post production.
Contacting and recording with artists for Big Boy sketches and parody songs, and pre and post production. Gathering audio for imaging and commercials via FTP and multi-web portals. Creating ideas for commercial script concepts, on-air stunts, giveaways, topic threads, contests, and caller segments. Archiving and printing show logs and calendars. Running the board for local, and national feeds during syndication. As well as running live or pre recorded remotes and broadcasts during morning drive. Producing and sending out Big Boy's weekend show via FTP. As well as on-air DJ/Mixer in charge of producing "Jump Off Mixes" for weekend on-air playback. Part time weekend mixer.
Freelance imaging producer for Eric Chase of Premiere Radio Networks 2009 - Present Day. Currently producing and creating bite size imaging cuts for Eric Chase, posted on his sites & via Premiere Radio Networks.
Vice Productions Inc. Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Nationwide. Aug 2010 - November 2011
Road manager/Producer and assistant to DJ Vice. In charge of producing, and engineering all of Vices creative production.
Updating social media sites. Creating mix themes ideas, video marketing, handling all sponsors such as Patron, Hennessy, and Red Bull.
Producing website layout and theme, and building from scratch with the web team. In charge of contacting and handling artists for videos and drops.
Also in charge of reminding Vice, to remind Vice, to remember...everything. Seriously. That was part of the gig.
Imaging production director, 100.3 The Beat, Los Angeles, CA 2005 - 2006
In charge of all on-air creative imaging, promos, sweeps, etc.
Writing, voicing, and producing all promo scripts and producing my equal share of commercials to help out the spot production department. Created scripts for giveaways and contests for on-air talent. Booking and recording artists for on-air giveaways, interviews, and remix songs.
Morning show producer and imaging assistant, 103.5 The Beat, Y-100, and Big1059 Miami, FL 2004 - 2005
Produced for the Baka Boyz morning show, imaging and production. In charge of recording editing and archiving all artist interviews. Creating ideas for contests, giveaways, and concerts. Also produced imaging for other radio stations in the Clear Channel building that included: Y100FM and Big 105.9 Classic Rock.
Freelance Imaging Producer for 93.5 KDAY FM, Los Angeles, CA 2004 - 2005
During my stay in Miami Florida, I was also fortunate to voice and produce for KDAY back home in L.A. from Miami on a freelance agreement. I did the same for KDAY as in Miami, creating promos, coming up with creative ideas for giveaways and contests.
On-Air talent, imaging creative director, night show producer, KDL 103.1 FM, Los Angeles, CA March 2003 - December 2003
Afternoon drive ON - AIR 3-7 PM, and in charge of editing and producing all creative imaging and commercial production. Night show producer in charge of booking all guests and artists for in studio interviews.
Freelance imaging producer John Frost (creator) and, Premiere Radio Networks, Los Angeles, CA 2004 - 2007
Produced and created bite size imaging cuts for John Frost, sent via mp3 and posted on his sites via Premiere. Loved working for that guy.
Morning show producer, imaging production director, Power106 FM/ BIg Boys Neighborhood, Los Angeles CA 1998 - 2003
My first run at Power106 was when I was 19 years old. I was hired and put in charge of editing all of Big Boys morning show bits, back when Big Boys show was a little more bit driven than today. Bits included: Editing ALL phone taps, ALL bits/skits, editing and archiving all caller segments. Creating commercial scripts, topic threads, show and segment intros and rejoins. Setting up and attending all major red carpet movie premieres to interview movie cast audio for morning show playback. Morning show audio and creative ideas went through me.
On-Air talent, Morning show Producer, Imaging production director, Groove Radio 103.1 FM, Santa Monica, CA 1997 - 1998
My first major market radio gig ever and stepping stone to my radio career. I started out as an intern/phone op on Sunday mornings when I was 18, then worked my way to promotions department. I started producing the morning show with "Poor
Man". The radio station went through some major changes of management. I then moved to imaging and commercial production, at the same time I was hosting the morning show at the age of 19 years old. All within the short year
and a half Groove was on the air. Good times!
DJ & fill in at KXLU 88.9 FM Loyala Marymount University, CA 1995 - 1997
DJ'd live on the weekends on the well known "We Came From Beyond" with host Mike Nardone & "The O.T.O Hour" with Cokni O Dire.
Ran the control board and pulled music for the on-air DJ's. Phone op duties included.
Big Boy /
Jason Ryan /
Jeff Schimmel /
Dj Skee /
Eric Edwards /
Eric Chase /
John Frost /
Eric Caver /
Dj Vice /
Sujit Kundu /
Culver City High School, Culver City, CA
First learned how to DJ when I was 12 years old. Then I got good enough to learn on the weekends at KXLU 88.9 FM in 1994 interning and learning how to be on-air, cut tape, clean carts, and of course DJ.
I moved onto Groove Radio 103.1 FM Santa Monica, CA. Learning and practicing how to run the board for live remotes, calling from live events for the street team, and hosting my own show on Saturday Nights with Armand Van Helden in 1997.
Those where my golden years of learning the radio broadcast game. Inside and out.
Currently using Pro Tools 9 and Ableton Live 8
MacBook Pro 10.6.8
3 external TB hard drives.
Shure SM7A Pro Radio Broadcast mic
Mackie 16 track mixer.
Mini Mbox 2
Full Library of Hollywood Edge Sound Effects.
WAVES VST plug-ins
Venom M-Audio synth keyboard
Full library fx
Beats by Dr. Dre urbeats and executive headphones for accurate precise mixing.
Mixed in key 5.5
2 monitors for easy quick mixing and viewing of multiple windows.
Fetch FTP program
Drop box
Audio recording and production engineer on the following platforms
• Pro Tools 7.3 and Pro Tools 8 Pro Tools 9 & 10 • Abelton Live 8 • Serato • Orban Audicy • Wavelab • Next Gen • Scott Systems • Prophet • On-Air console boards • Rubicon • Harrison • Vox pro • Cool Edit
• Proficient in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access)
Creative production director, audio editing expert. Road manager and talent manager. And all around programming team player. I understand and get what customers and clients are about. Its what I do. I work well with all other departments to help form a tight unit that gets the job done with very fast turn around time. Thank you for your time in advance.
Other achievements and accomplishments:
2000 I was featured on Busta Rhymes "ELE" Extension Level Event album. I produced the INTRO and INSERTS for the entire album and was given credit on the album.
2006 I was featured on Ice Cubes album "Laugh Now, Cry Later". I produced the INTRO and INSERTS for the entire album and was given credit on the album.
2010 I produced the OFFICIAL "Rick Dees Top 100 Hits of the Decade", and was featured on
2010 I begin my own online radio show at & "The Sketchomatic Show" I host, DJ, and interview artists such as Wallpaper, Paul Oakenfold, and Morgan Page and feature guest DJ's to mix on my show, every week. We broadcast via iPhone/Droid APP and IPad.
2010 I opened my two of my own production websites where I produce and create original INTROS and DROPS for artists, DJ's and production companies world wide. I still run this site this very day. Producing on Pro Tools 9 and Abelton Live 8.
2011 I teamed up with the well knows "Them Too" productions. Producing and editing audio for video production. Mastering and pinching in creative ideas when needed.