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Brian Michael Raetz reviews

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    Brian took on my project with enthusiasm and promptness, and returned a professional recording which gave life and breath to my characters. I’m very grateful to have worked with him. It was obvious that he cared about my words as much as I did. Will certainly be a repeat customer
    Thank you Karson! Your work is very well composed and was an absolute joy to bring to life. Thanks again for the work and for your thoughtful review. Cheers!
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    Brian is a kind and talented man who is very easy to work with. He got me the recording in no time taking the production value of my short film to new heights!
    Thank you so much Scott!! You are kind and next level talented yourself! I was grateful to be a part of this project and eagerly await the film's premiere. Thank you again for the work and for the review. Cheers!!
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    Brian has been great to work with. Takes notes and makes them better with a natural delivery. I appreciate the quick turnaround too!
    Thank you Art! This has been such a special project to work on and I can't wait for all of the lives it will be positively impacting. You were an absolute pro and a dream to work with. Thank you for the work and for the kind review. Cheers!
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    Brian is phenomenally talented and delivered above and beyond for us. Wouldn't hesitate to recommend him to anyone!
    Thank you Justin! It was such a pleasure working with you. Your spot was super well written and absolutely led the way during my performance. Cheers!