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Trish Mulholland
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Trish Mulholland
Versatile contralto - many characters and accents
Last online16 years ago
Trish Mulholland
Versatile contralto - many characters and accents
Last online16 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 1:24 - Total samples: 2
Radio collage
Trish Mulholland - 0:53
Industrial plastics narration
Trish Mulholland - 0:31
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About Trish
Member sinceFeb 21, 2009
A warm voice, using a variety of standard and variant Australian and British accents. Sexy and fun for commercials, smooth and professional for presentations, and a wide range of character and cartoon voices. Very versatile with accents of all sorts.
Skills and services offered
English - Australian
Voice gender & age
Female senior
Female adult
Female young adult
Male teenager
Female teenager
Additional services offered
Script writing
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
Accents include standard Australian, standard British, regional British, broad Australian. All kinds of cartoon voices from dopey troll to wicked witch, giggly girlie to bold superhero, from royal highness to lowly waif. Dramatic characters with depth and believability.
Experience, training, and equipment
A talented actor with a great voice. Formerly a top-rated, award-winning commercial radio announcer in Australia, with a track record of voice overs in television and radio advertising, audiobooks, industrial narration, and more. Also a trained and busy theatre actor and therefore capable of a voicing a wide range of characters in a very natural - or stylized - way. Very good at interpretation and taking direction. Now available for new projects.
Graduate of the National Theatre Drama School in Melbourne, Australia. Additional acting and voice work training with the SITI Company; Jeffrey Bihr; LeCoq; ACT and BATS, San Francisco; The Actors' Workshop, London; John Strasberg; Eth-No-Tec; Voice Factory; Australian Film, Radio and Television School.
Digital Performer on dual G5 Mac; various condenser and dynamic mics including EV RE-20, Sennheiser MD-421, Rode NT-1, AKG C2000; variety of outboard equipment including tube preamps, compressors, etc.
I speak fair Italian and French and am much better with the accents than the languages themselves! Comedy is a strength, and so is drama. I can sing comic opera-style and I can belch at will. I have been a news reader and have a facility for sight reading and interpreting copy. Nothing is too funny or too serious - nothing too crazy or too subtle. I love doing voice over work!