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Todd Stone
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Todd Stone
Versatile, idiosyncratic, smooth
Last online8 years ago
Todd Stone
Versatile, idiosyncratic, smooth
Last online8 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 5:22 - Total samples: 2
Character Demo
Todd Stone - 1:29
Audio Book demo
Todd Stone - 3:52
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About Todd
Member sinceFeb 3, 2005
My vocal qualities range from warm and deep to smooth and professional, but can also accommodate youthful and fun. It just depends on the project!
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
English - British
English - Australian
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Additional vocal abilities
british, english (n. american), southern, new york, hispanic, russian, irish, scottish, announcer, young adult, character, elderly, etc.
Experience, training, and equipment
As a professional actor and singer, my voice gets a work out just about everyday in some form or another.
Vocal training at Southern Methodist University.
Ashley Smith
Virginia Ness-Ray - Yale instructor
Peggy Smith - vocal coach
Pro Tools 9
Macbook Pro 17in i-7 processor
AKG C3000 B mic
KPK Monitors
AKG Headphones
Todd Haberkorn received his BFA in acting from Southern Methodist University and continues to work professionally, primarily in Los Angeles as an actor, director, producer, and writer.
He got his first professional, theatrical start in Dallas from the critically acclaimed Undermain Theatre - of which he is currently a company member. Coincidentally, this is also the place where the powerful Kent Williams/Todd Haberkorn duo began. Todd continued to work with all the major theaters of the Metroplex including Dallas Children's Theater, Dallas Theater Center, Shakespeare Festival of Dallas, and others.
This led to the creation of Theater Fusion, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization started by Haberkorn and his mission to bring the arts to areas of Texas that had everything but stage craft in any major capacity. Theater Fusion's journey was covered in major news publications such as The Dallas Morning News, D Magazine, and The Fort Worth Star Telegram with front page, multi-story spreads. However, the company had to go on hiatus as other professional persuits became more of a priority.
After doing several bit roles for the anime shows Peach Girl and Black Cat, Todd got his first major role in Suzuka as Yamato Akitski. Shortly thereafter, Haberkorn began directing anime under Line Producers Colleen Clinkenbeard and Chris Sabat while continuing to voice in numerous properties for Funimation and video games. A few notable roles include Italy from Hetalia, Ling Yao from Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Keroro from Sgt. Frog, Keiskuke from Initial D, Allen Walker from D. Gray Man, Hikaru Hitachin from Ouran High School Host Club, Death The Kid from Soul Eater, and many others. This also led to a stint as a director and writer for animated properties as well. Triple A title video games such as Street Fighter IV and Rage involved Todd’s voice as well. But not only in LA, but also recording overseas in Asia too.
As far as on camera is concerned, Todd is the National spokesperson for the Sally Beauty Corporation - a leading international beauty supply company. This is one aspect of a long history of on camera work in narrative film, commercials, and shorts.
When he isn't fighting digital monsters in video games or trying to save the day on film, Todd travels the U.S. making appearances at pop culture conventions as a guest to meet fans and sign autographs. He is also a filmmaker and screenwriter for Out Of The Office Productions.