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Steve Leyland
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Steve Leyland
Last online16 years ago
Steve Leyland
Last online16 years ago
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About Steve
Member sinceFeb 7, 2006
LocationLondon, UK (GMT +1)
Wide range of UK/US/Australian voices and accents. Can speak fluent French and Turkish. Rusty Russian! 3 octave range baritone singing voice.
Corporate videos, adverts and jingles, cartoon animals, narrations, presentations for large corporations etc.
A Londoner by birth - speaking RP.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
English - British
English - Australian
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Recording and delivery options
Experience, training, and equipment
I discovered how cartoon films could be put into a format that was both entertaining and educational. These are now on sale globally. Since then my voiceover work has appeared on all five continents but I continue to do much work in the Middle East.
The Birmingham School of Speech and Dramatic Art.(UK) Graduated 1987.
Subsequent workshops at the Actors Centre, London.
As a co-writer at Marti films I would watch other voiceover talent.
Lectured in Turkey and Hungary.
Wrote and edited many cartoon films.
Produced, wrote, directed and acted in musicals, plays and all kinds of voiceover jobs. (List available).
Currently volunteering on a project to help street kids in Istanbul.
Also hoping to win a contract to introduce voip and voip services more widely in the Middle and Far East/ Central Asia.