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Rupert Reid
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Rupert Reid
Young, Confident, Sincere, Fun, Warm, British
Last online3 years ago
Rupert Reid
Young, Confident, Sincere, Fun, Warm, British
Last online3 years ago
Playlists (5)
Full Voice Reel 2020
Duration: 1:49 - Total samples: 1
Voice Reel 2020 - Rupert Reid
Rupert Reid - 1:49
Corporate Voice Reel
Duration: 1:46 - Total samples: 2
Corporate Voice Reel 2020
Rupert Reid - 1:02
Custom Demo
Rupert Reid - 0:43
Previous Voice Reel
Duration: 1:00 - Total samples: 1
Netflix New Years Eve Coverage
Duration: 0:58 - Total samples: 1
TV and Radio, Podcast and Singing
Duration: 12:20 - Total samples: 8
Reviews (1)
4 years ago
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Easy to work with, professional, and quick!
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About Rupert
Member sinceJun 29, 2011
I voice a wide variety of content (including advertisements, corporate videos, podcasts, promos, TV narrations etc.) in a young, accessible and friendly voice with mature delivery.
I am comfortable delivering a broad range of ages and styles, from enthusiastic teenager through to sophisticated middle-aged male. My natural UK accent is neutral in class and region, but I am also confident voicing various regional accents and British tones, such as 'East London', 'posh', 'sophisticated' and so on.
My spoken voice is in the baritone range, and I'm also a professional singer. My work takes me all around Europe, but I always travel with a professional studio set up so can offer very fast turnaround times of ultra high quality audio.
Skills and services offered
English - British
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
English, Southern English, London, Kent, West London, East London, French, Neutral, Posh, Chelsea, Gentleman, British, Brit, Singer, Baritone, Tenor.
Experience, training, and equipment
Netflix - voiced promotional video for innovative New Year's Eve coverage, that was featured on many European news websites.
AIG Insurance - I recorded a series of instructional videos for AIG's customers and staff.
Asda - I am currently the voice of Asda Money, airing on UK TV throughout 2016.
Spotify - I have voiced a large number of advertisements and promos for use on this platform.
Red Bull - voiced promotional coverage of 'Red Bull Editions'
Pro Plus - voiced the Pro Plus Playlist feature on Spotify.
SKF Automotive - I am the voice of 'Dr Winquist' - a training aid for SKF's global workforce.
University of Groningen - voiced an information guide for English-speaking students. - I recorded TV material for this company which aired on most UK satellite TV services.
118 434 - Voice of this major UK directory enquiries service, broadcasting nationally on over 50 UK commercial radio stations, between them reaching 20 million listeners every week.
118 434 - I also sing the jingle for these adverts.
Fun Radio - I have voiced competitions, trails and sponsored shows for this UK children's radio station.
JCB - Recorded 6 minute promotional programmes for this multi-national company.
XFM London - Voiced competitions and features for Dave Berry's afternoon programme.
Classic FM (UK National radio station) - Voiced adverts for Classic FM Magazine.
Cambridge Classics, 105 FM Cambridge - I presented this successful local radio programme from 2007 to 2009.
As a singer, I have broadcast on BBC World Service, BBC Radio 3, BBC Radio 4, BBC 1 TV, BBC 2 TV, BBC 4 TV, France 24, France 2, NTV (Holland), European Broadcasting Union, KBS (South Korea), Minnesota Public Radio (USA), Radio France, SWR2 and VDR (Germany) and VRT (Belgium).
Classic FM - Producer (2008 to 2012): I produced the Classic FM More Music Breakfast Show with Mark Forrest, which reached 2 million listeners. I also produced music for Jamie Crick, John Brunning, Mylenne Klass and Margherita Taylor's programmes.
Monteverdi Choir (Apprentice 2007-2008, Full Member 2008 to present): I have honed my performance skills under the direction of Sir John Eliot Gardiner as a member of the choir recently judged by Gramophone Magazine to be the best in the world.
King's College Cambridge (Undergraduate degree in Social and Political Sciences and Choral Scholar, 2004-2007): Involved singing in the world famous choir in daily services, concerts, choir tours, broadcasts and recordings under direction of Stephen Cleobury. This opportunity allowed me to develop as a strong and confident performer.
Westminster Abbey Choir: I regularly sing with this renowned choir as a deputy, when full-time members are absent.
I have an excellent home-recording studio in East London, with 24/7 access. Where ISDN or enhanced quality is required, I am able to arrange use of nearby broadcast-quality studios.
I am able to deliver most audio within 2 hours of confirmation if an express service is required.
I am able to organise top quality professional musicians and arrangers if music and / or jingles are required as part of your project.