Roger has been involved in many projects. From being responsible for recording, narrating, editing and producing a 90 minute worship program for a local church which aired weekly on local radio, to reading the news and articles for major publications like USA Today, LA Times, Detroit Free Press, Men's Fitness, Country Weekly and many more. He has also recorded voice overs for holiday presentations, productions and non-profit commercials. Currently he works with the educational community with Pearson Education and the University of Minnesota producing the audio for textbooks and e-learning materials and also with BLW producing religious audio projects in Africa. He works within the marketing community producing marketing materials and providing audio editing services to anyone who may need it . He also produces a weekly Health podcast for the blind (Daily AIRS) for AIRS-LA reading services.
In the past, Roger was also a regular news reader for The News From The World Wide Web, which was heard throughout the midwest and on the west coast. He has also produced material for e-learning, corporate internal presentations, employee training materials and local commercials. He has also produced theme music for podcasts. Some of the projects he has been involved with include: Telco Credit Union employee training; Psy-Tech marketing and training; Pearson Education; University of Minnesota; Fort Polaski audio tour; Insurance training; Various audiobooks plus many other website projects and various local commercials for local stations. Roger's fully-produced Power Point presentation was used as the prototype for the Power Point curriculum at a local college.
Roger's training is on-going, and loves new experiences. He has attended inumerable workshops on audio and media production, and has spent many years working with various types of recording and audio production equipment. He has served as Audio/Media Director for a local church, and has produced commercials for local radio stations along with providing DJ support and content production. He has also attended voice over workshops at Asheville Community Theater, and has worked with various voce coaches.
Roger's studio is equipped with Blue, Heil and Shure mics, Universal Audio preamp, Focusrite interface along with FMR and Alesis processors, used in conjunction with Sound Forge, Audition, and Roland recording platforms.
Over the past 25 years, Roger has written, recorded, and produced his own original music, which in the past received regional airplay, and has included his first CD release in 2010. These added abilities makes him a perfect candidate for musical projects to enhance your voice over needs. He owns and works out of his home studio, which provides for a quicker turn-around time for your project(s). His commercial montage demo on this page contains projects that have been fully produced in his personal studio. He is also able to create any type of custom background music for your voice over jobs, or for documentaries and on hold messaging, and stands ready to bring his multiple talents to your project.