(UK accents/dialects) Received Pronunciation (Queen's English/BBC English), Upper Class Toff, Yuppy, Scottish Highlands, Scottish Lowlands, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Glasgow drunk, Glasgow barmaid, Newcastle, Cumbrian, Cumbrian Farmer, Cumbrian Thug, Cumbrian trying to sound posh, Lancastrian, Manchester, Liverpudlian (posh and common), Yorkshire (North and South), Bedfordshire, Thames Estuary, Kentish, Cornwall/Devon, Country bumpkin, South Wales, Cardiff, North Wales, Swansea Camp, Southern Irish, Northern Irish, Cockney, Cockney Wide-boy, Cockney trying to sound posh, London Jewish, South London, East London, North London Somerset. (European and Asian accents) French, Dutch, German, Spanish, Swiss, Austrian, Scandinavian (including Danish, Swedish, Norwegian), Eastern European (including Czech, Polish, Romanian), Russian, Russian peasant, Russian KGB, Russian aristocracy, Turkish, Egyptian, Persian, Israeli, Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, (Other world accents) South African, Australian, New Zealand, Central African, Chinese, Japanese, (American continent) Canadian, Quebecois, Maine, Connecticut, New York Manhattan Toff, New York native English speaker taxi driver, Bronx, New York Jewish, Texan, Californian, Mexican.