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Michael MacMahon
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Michael MacMahon
Avuncular, rich & deep
Last online5 years ago
Michael MacMahon
Avuncular, rich & deep
Last online5 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 7:30 - Total samples: 7
Michael MacMahon - 1:04
Michael MacMahon - 0:57
Michael MacMahon - 0:19
Michael MacMahon - 0:58
TV Promo
Michael MacMahon - 0:42
Michael MacMahon - 2:52
Webinar intro
Michael MacMahon - 0:34
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About Michael
Member sinceJun 1, 2011
A warm, honey-soaked British male voice. Refined and stylish.
Skills and services offered
English - British
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
Oxford English (i.e. Received Pronunciation) is my natural accent.
I can also perform in the following accents: Welsh (south), Irish (both southern and northern), London / Thames Estuary, North-east England ("Geordie").
Have maintained a Welsh accent throughout a 10-minute short film ("Old Age Pillagers"); and a southern Irish accent throughout a Hugh Leonard stage play. ("Pizzazz")
I also use Scottish successfully for the famous "To a Haggis" on Burns' Night, which has now become something of a party piece for me. But that's a period accent, of course; I would hesitate to deliver a contemporary Scottish accent, except for a short piece.
Experience, training, and equipment
I started doing professional VO work about ten years ago. My voice credits in the last few years have included dubbing for a BBC4 documentary on World War II; many audio transcriptions for the visually impaired; narrating bible stories for middle-school students; and voicing animations for both Bath University and Laureate International Universities of the USA.
However, before that my voice was an essential part of my job in a variety of different ways for over 25 years, during a career in the chemical industry. During the last ten of those years I was Managing Director of a sales company in an international group and in that post I was a regular platform speaker.
Reuters, USA: audio versions of news stories via 'Kaliki' mobile app.
Conde Nast Traveler, USA /UK: as for Reuters
Voiceover on new company showreel ( for Southpoint Films, Southampton, UK.
"Spatula Man" in Danepak TV commercial "Morning" for ITV. Academy Films (UK) / Station Film (US). Screened Feb / March 2012.
Narrator, St Matthew's Gospel (“The Books of the Bible for Kids: New Testament Audio”), for Gap Digital, Wheaton, IL, USA.
"Senior Police Officer" in "Police Investigation": educational animation for Laureate Education Inc, Baltimore & Los Angeles, USA
"Chief Superintendent" and Narrator in "Bank Robbery", educational animation for Laureate Education Inc, Baltimore & Los Angeles, USA
"Roger Marbury" (lawyer) in "MAPPA Panel": educational animation for Laureate Education Inc, Baltimore & Los Angeles, USA
"Dad" in TV commercial "Crocbids vs. Retirement": Lightworx Media, Bristol, UK.
"Theodor Plote" (German soldier) in “Shooting the War”: Available Light Productions, Bristol, UK, for BBC4
Voiceover on animation for website: Omni Productions, Bristol, UK, for the University of Bath, UK.
"The Judge" in “The Trial of Simon M”: soundpiece for graduate project, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK.
Narrator in regular audio transcriptions for the visually impaired. A2i Transcription Services, Bristol, UK.
Narrator in “Rascal, the Cat with Nine Lives” (Early Years CD-ROM), for Childhood Learning Ltd, Epsom, UK.
Voiceover on corporate DVD for Towerlight Ltd. At Albany Studios, Cardiff, UK, via Business Language Services Ltd, Abergavenny.
Talking head on information video: The Stroke Association, Bristol and Winchester & Eastleigh Healthcare NHS Trust, UK.
Talking head on information video: The Stroke Association, (Severn Region), Bristol, UK.
I'm a graduate of Gary Terzza's "VO Masterclass" programme, which I attended in London (UK) in June 2011.
I have been performing as an actor (stage & screen) and singer (variety of genres) for 30 years.
I attended the workshop "Radio & Microphone Acting" delivered by Bernie Hodges (South West Acting Courses) at Attic Attack Studio, Bristol, UK, in Nov 2010.
Broadcast quality condenser microphone with 16-bit, 48Khz Sampling Rate, Super Cardiod Pickup Pattern, Computer Based Digital Audio Workstation, Pro-studio acoustic screening.
Professional monitoring headphones.
I am an experienced copywriter and editor; skills that were developed through a long career on the marketing side of the chemicals industry.
As also mentioned above, I am an experienced platform speaker and have done this for many years.
I have been trained in audio editing, through doing regular audio transcriptions for the visually impaired and editing my own tracks.
I am also a singer and have performed regularly for years in a variety of genres.