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Luke Noel
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Luke Noel
Heroic, Evil, and Everything Inbetween
Last online16 years ago
Luke Noel
Heroic, Evil, and Everything Inbetween
Last online16 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 1:56 - Total samples: 2
Real Life Voices
Luke Noel - 0:56
Game X Demo
Luke Noel - 0:59
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About Luke
Member sinceDec 10, 2006
LocationPennsylvania, USA (GMT -4)
Being a young man, I am capable of delivering a plethora of different voices! Given the role, I can turn from a majestic hero into a cynical villain, a shy computer specialist, a bum looking for a job, or a perfect commerical announcer; all within an instant!
Whether the voice is erratic, confident, nerdy, geeky, sexy, funny, or cartoony, I am a jack of all trades!
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Experience, training, and equipment
I have friends who are animation-savvy, so they pull me in to their projects every now and again to provide vocal parts.
I even did a pseudo-movie trailer with one of my friends: he sculpted it all out, and I did the dramatic voiceover.
For a current multimedia project I am working on, I myself provide FIVE of the eight or so voices!
I am also ALWAYS willing to expand my experience!
I had a weird habit back when I was young where I would watch cartoons and other shows on television, then walk around replicating the characters' voices pretty closely. The habit eventually turned into a hobby, where I would do some simple impressions and impersonations for some of my friends for entertainment. Now, I'm looking at all of my voice history, and I believe that I taught myself how to produce different voices stemming from all sorts of media.
I've never taken any courses on voice acting, but I still believe that there may be some hope for an aspiring artist like myself to see some auditory spotlight.
Near my computer, I have an Audio Technica AT2020 Cardioid microphone, and a Tascam multi-port mixer. In my computer, I have a copy of Audacity (which I use for audio mixing and modifying).
I draw some really abstract cartoony pictures, ranging from robots to hedgehogs to imaginary vehicles. I have a very keen ear for rock music from almost any generation. I've also played the drums for many years.
Lastly, I've been occupying some of my time to making my own home-brewed computer games in dedication to some of the successful video game corporations out there.