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Laurence Francis
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Laurence Francis
Deep and seductrive (upper or working class)
Last online16 years ago
Laurence Francis
Deep and seductrive (upper or working class)
Last online16 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 2:40 - Total samples: 4
Laurence Francis - 0:54
voice demo 2
Laurence Francis - 0:28
All of life
Laurence Francis - 0:52
Ya soul
Laurence Francis - 0:24
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About Laurence
Member sinceJun 16, 2005
LocationLondon, UK (GMT +1)
My voice is naturally deep and warm, although with the use of my software I can change the pitch higher or lower depending on the project. ie deeper for a more sinister character, higher for a light hearted cheerful character.
I have recently completed a point and click adventure game called Limbo of the Lost in which I play the voice of not only the lead character, but seven other characters including an Irish soul collecter, a paranoid German, a posh English drunk, an Alien monster, a half man half insect called Arach and an overtly camp Zombie. I also played the voices of Fate and Destiny both very powerful and menacing.
I can also do straight acting roles, comercial productions and profesional presentations.
Skills and services offered
English - British
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Source Connect
On-site recording
London, UK
Additional vocal abilities
I can do English accents from working class to very upper class.
I can also do comical accents such as the sexy French man, the friendly Irish, an American drawl and accents that seem to have no specific location but you feel as if you know them.
I can do very sinister voices from cold sibilence, harsh rasping evil to deep and menacing.
Experience, training, and equipment
I started as a singer song writer, but always had comments on the quality of my speaking voice. As a bit of a show off I learned to use my voice to entertain. Then a friend of mine in television suggested that I try my hand as a voice over artist.
Most of my time over the last few years has been spent writing the scripts and doing the voices on the P.C game Limbo of the Lost for Majestic Studios. I also composed the theme music for this project.
I have been a DJ and on occasion an MC
I learned voice acting basically through being a live entertainer. Working in recording studios and then recording from home. Listening to other artists and developing from them.
I can also write and compose music, lyrics, jingles etc. I play many instuments and can write lyrics quickly and efficiently.
I have the necessary equipment and software to record and produce successful demo's.