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Kevan Brighting
Kevan Brighting
British rich warm authoratative voice
Last online4 days ago
Response time2 hours
Kevan Brighting
British rich warm authoratative voice
Response time2 hours
Last online4 days ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 3:59 - Total samples: 4
Commercials Demo 2023
Kevan Brighting - 0:59
Computer Game Promo
Kevan Brighting - 1:00
Game - The Stanley Parable
Kevan Brighting - 0:55
On Hold demo
Kevan Brighting - 1:04
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2 hoursmedian response timeresponse time
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1 Bookings1 in the last 12 months1 in the last year
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1 clientbooked this voice actorbooked
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About Kevan
Member sinceApr 15, 2004
BAFTA nominated and an IGF award winner, I have a rich, warm voice much in demand for computer games, corporate presentations and prestige voiceovers. I am also an accomplished voice actor who can bring talking books to life. I am British by birth and have what many would call a well modulated BBC voice, although I can do many British accents. I have a fine sense of comic timing and characterization.
Skills and services offered
English - British
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Source Connect
Additional vocal abilities
North London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Yorkshire
Experience, training, and equipment
Over 25 years experience of voiceover work in radio, television, documentaries and video narration. I've worked regularly for the major TV companies in Britain (BBC, ITV, C4, Discovery) and all the major radio groups in the UK. I also work for companies in the USA, The Netherlands, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, the Middle East, India, South Korea, Thailand, Bali and Australia. Leading companies I have worked for include Cadbury, HarperCollins, Rolls-Royce, BMW, Saab Aerospace, English Heritage. I narrated the short film 'Pitchforksville' which won first prize in the Microsoft Image Cup 2007. Nominated for BAFTA and IGF awards for 'Stanley Parable'. Recent clients include Galactic Cafe, Rovio, Halfbrick Studios.
Distinction in English and Drama. Theatre experience at Royal Lyceum and Traverse Theatre (both in Edinburgh). Radio producer at LBC in London. Drama producer at Capital Radio in London. Award winning commercials producer at Beacon Radio in the West Midlands.
Focusrite Platinum Trackmaster Pro
Neumann U47 microphone
Behringer Ultrafex
Zoom H4N Digital Recorder
Adobe Audition
I can impersonate several well-known personalities: Richard Burton, Vincent Price, Churchill, Kenneth Williams, Frankie Howard.