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JoanHall Hovey
This voice actor appears to be inactive and might not be responsive.
JoanHall Hovey
sincere, mature, warm, sensitive, intelligent
Last online9 years ago
JoanHall Hovey
sincere, mature, warm, sensitive, intelligent
Last online9 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 6:02 - Total samples: 5
Compilation -commercials
JoanHall Hovey - 0:45
Audio Book -Chill Waters
JoanHall Hovey - 1:54
Comp demo
JoanHall Hovey - 1:20
Chill Waters A novel
JoanHall Hovey - 1:54
onhold demo
JoanHall Hovey - 0:07
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About JoanHall
Member sinceJan 2, 2004
Canadian, Cockney
Southern, other...
Audition me for your script!
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Female senior
Female adult
Female young adult
Experience, training, and equipment
Clients include:
Home Care Association of New Hampshire
Authors Den
CS. Productions, Carl Stewart
D A V Productions
Essays by Doris Azzopardi (CD)
Voice of Rosa in "Emblems of Darkness." The Dr. Who? series
650 Dial-Up
Galaxy Foods
Homecare Association of New Hampshire
Joymark Video Production
Skystorm Productions
Voice Over/copywriter - CFBC Radio Station
Kent's Building Supplies
"...For more than 20 years Joan Hall Hovey's voice has carried loud and clear from the printed page and from theatre stages, in productions such as Waiting for the Parade, The Incredible Murder of Cardinal Tosca and Arsenic and Old Lace..."
- Beverly Stears of Evening Times Globe
Joan's voice has been heard on CBC Radio, Television and in live performances to consistently heart-warming reviews. Narrating audio books and scripts is a perfect marriage of her love for books and her background as an actor. She has extensive experience in acting and narrating on stage, TV, Radio, Universities and more...
Her state-of-the-art studio is highly professional and quiet. Great fees too!
Copywriter, Voice Over - CFBC Radio Station
Kent's Building Supplies,
On-Hold Messaging, commerials, narration, PSI's, educational....
Educational: Creative Writing Teacher
Certified in Teaching English as a Second Language