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Greg Jordan
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Greg Jordan
Deep, Rich and Smooth
Last online2 years ago
Greg Jordan
Deep, Rich and Smooth
Last online2 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 15:09 - Total samples: 17
Color Me Badd
Greg Jordan - 1:00
Production Demo
Greg Jordan - 0:57
Isley Brothers Concert
Greg Jordan - 1:02
Motor Sports Demo
Greg Jordan - 1:03
R and B Station Promo Liner
Greg Jordan - 1:00
Barnum and Bailey Circus
Greg Jordan - 1:00
Jingle Tag
Greg Jordan - 0:09
Concert Demo
Greg Jordan - 1:00
Rental Service
Greg Jordan - 0:31
Greg Jordan - 1:00
Najee Concert
Greg Jordan - 1:00
Bulletproof Bedliners
Greg Jordan - 1:00
Cedar Pointe Estates
Greg Jordan - 1:13
Greg Jordan - 0:33
Contractors Information Bureau
Greg Jordan - 1:03
Girl 6 Boutique
Greg Jordan - 0:30
Amtrak Radio Promo
Greg Jordan - 1:01
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About Greg
Member sinceSep 3, 2003
LocationMontana, USA (GMT -6)
Greg Jordan is a voice actor located in Montana, USA. He has been actively working as a voice actor since 1993. Listen to 17 voice over samples that showcase his best work.
I get a comparison to Barry White all the time. I can also do a voice in the style of "the movie trailer".
I have a smooth relaxing delivery. Very pleasing to listen to. But if you need a stern or hyped up style I can give that to you as well.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Additional vocal abilities
Experience, training, and equipment
Production Director in Radio for 9 years, Experience working in a TOP 30 Market. Creating production that provides a mental image. I take pride in the quality of work that I distribute. Personal service is top priority and satisfaction is always guarenteed. If you need it done right away, I'm your man. I do deliver in less than 24 hours in most cases.
Writing and producing spots for radio, running a production department. I've been doing voice overs ever since. But it's not just voice over that I do. I also do all typs of music editing for weddings Cheering competitions sports promotions and special events.
Electro Voice RE-20 and Sure SM7 Microphones, DBX 286sL and DBX 286A Pre Amp/Microphone Processors, Mackie ProFX12V2 Board, U-PHORIA UMC1820 Multitrack Recording System and an array of digital audio software.
copy writing, audio editing and mixing of music for radio and T.V., phone systems, cheer leading, personal intros concert/special event, sporting events and auto commercials. (hard sell is a specialty)