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Dave Strader
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Dave Strader
smooth, straight forward, and easy to listen to
Last online7 years ago
Dave Strader
smooth, straight forward, and easy to listen to
Last online7 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 3:34 - Total samples: 3
Dave Strader Combo
Dave Strader - 1:04
Dave Strader Commercials
Dave Strader - 1:02
Dave Strader- Narrations
Dave Strader - 1:28
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About Dave
Member sinceMay 13, 2005
My voice is smooth and "easy to listen to" play-by-play experience allows me to bring enery to a project when needed, but I can do a more low-key delivery as well.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Experience, training, and equipment
I am a broadcast professional with 33 years of experience, mostly in play-by-play coverage of major sports events. Currently, I am under contract with NBC Sports. My play-by-play experience has been primarily with the National Hockey League, but I also cover college basketball. My experience with NBC includes the 2006 Winter Olympics in Torino, 2012 Summer Olympics in London and 2009 NHL Winter Classic from Wrigley Field. I have also worked on a national level for ESPN/ABC (8 years) and Fox. In addition to calling games, I have written and voiced "teases" for many of my shows which sparked my interest in voice-over work. I have voice over experience that includes commercials, PSA's, and narrations.
I have a degree in Communication Studies from the University if Massachusetts in Amherst. In addition to my broadcast training and extensive experience in sports broadcasting, I completed a voice over seminar with nationally recognized producer and voice-over instructor Dan Levine in January 2005.
I know that time is money and I will work for you in a timely and professional manner. My voice is smooth, straight forward, and easy to listen to. Give me a listen...I look forward to working with you.