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Campbell McCubbin
This voice actor appears to be inactive and might not be responsive.
Campbell McCubbin
grandfather, friendly, authoritative, corporate,
Last online9 years ago
Campbell McCubbin
grandfather, friendly, authoritative, corporate,
Last online9 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 13:00 - Total samples: 14
History vignette
Campbell McCubbin - 1:21
Commercial demo
Campbell McCubbin - 0:57
Campbell McCubbin - 0:36
Investor video
Campbell McCubbin - 0:15
Atmospheric narrative
Campbell McCubbin - 0:24
Haunted St Augustine
Campbell McCubbin - 1:16
Campbell McCubbin - 0:59
Charity appeal
Campbell McCubbin - 0:32
Blind invisibility
Campbell McCubbin - 1:01
Dickens Christmas Carol
Campbell McCubbin - 1:11
Campbell McCubbin - 0:35
Animation and character demo
Campbell McCubbin - 2:13
technical training video
Campbell McCubbin - 0:45
Petes Garage TV show
Campbell McCubbin - 0:48
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About Campbell
Member sinceJan 31, 2009
As a veteran radio news anchor, my voice has been described as "friendly/authoritative." For corporate narrations, believable and competent. For all voice work, warm, confident, parental, and lately... grandfatherly. :-)
As the voice of the St. Augustine, Florida "Shivers and Awe" GPS tours, some reviews from participants... "The voice of the "Tour Guide" was perfectly creepy & the intermittent humor made the tour that much more enjoyable." and "The storyteller was fantastic; we loved his commentary and spooky voice."
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
Experience, training, and equipment
I have more than 45 years of voice over experience, including corporate videos, and local regional and national radio and TV commercials. I also have considerable on-camera corporate video experience (Steel Queen Sinks, Canada Bread, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and others). Some of my recent on-going clients have been Dow Chemical of Midland, Michigan, Jones Lang LaSalle of NY, NY, Plum TV of Long Island, NY, Joy TV of Vancouver, BC, Canada, and others.
My "real" job was morning radio news anchor. My true love... is corporate and commercial narration.
My 45 years of radio broadcasting are the best training one could have, but I have continued to hone my voice over skills through voice-over workshops, amateur theater and live trade shows.
Samson GTrack microphone/mixer to 2.8gh iMac and Mac Mini running Twisted Wave and other audio software. Dedicated recording area.
I am able to sound confidently knowledgeable when handling complex or technical scripts, in a conversational manner. I have spent more than 40 years in broadcast journalism, and have done thousands of in-depth interviews.