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Ben Amos
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Ben Amos
Clever, Quirky, Guy Next Door, All-American, Hip
Last online1 year ago
Ben Amos
Clever, Quirky, Guy Next Door, All-American, Hip
Last online1 year ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 7:04 - Total samples: 7
Ben Amos Commercial VO Demo
Ben Amos - 1:06
Ben Amos Narration VO Demo
Ben Amos - 1:00
Ben Amos Character Demo 2013
Ben Amos - 1:07
Corporate Narration VO Demo
Ben Amos - 1:00
Ben Amos E-Learning VO Demo
Ben Amos - 1:03
Medical Narration Demo
Ben Amos - 1:00
IVR On Hold Telephony Demo
Ben Amos - 0:45
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About Ben
Member sinceMay 11, 2010
Character specialist
Guy Next Door
Young, hip and relatable for commercials.
Confident, clear and informative for presentations
Upbeat, Conversational and approachable for narration
Trustworthy and knowledgeable
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Mixing and mastering
Music production
Special effects
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Source Connect
On-site recording
Phone patch
Additional vocal abilities
Wholesome, guy next door, All-American;
Warm, Southern drawl;
Old West, cowboy;
Backwoods, authentic Deep South, redneck;
Wiseguy, NY mobster;
Learned, proper Victorian English, Cockney;
Grave, sinister villain;
Russian tough guy
Gruff, stylized Jamaican
Experience, training, and equipment
The sound of the Guy Next Door! Youthful, energetic, edgy. Quirky, hip and techno-savvy. Enthusiastic and engaging.
Ben always wanted to be a voice actor. (Well, at least since age 12 when he figured out he wasn’t going to be an astronaut). He’s the Sound of the Guy Next Door- no matter where your door might be. Need a clear, clever voice to ensure listeners stay engaged with your animated whiteboard presentation? Look no further. Does your commercial call for a likeable, relatable non-announcer? He’s your guy. But what about if you’re in the market for a sneering villain, a gruff jungle troll, the wet-behind-the-ears reluctant hero and an explosives-obsessed goblin- all for the same project? You've come to the right place!
A natural affinity for technology, the internet and all things gadget, Ben's voice naturally lends itself to a credible, genuine connection with your audience. Corporate telephone systems, explainer videos, branding animations and character work for eLearning are areas of expertise. You can hear Ben right now as the autoattendant voice for Kaplan University's Professional Education branches.
His lifelong love for voice acting has forged a sterling work ethic, an eye (ear?) for excellence, and a commitment to making certain that you get exactly the sound you’re looking for in your next project. He understands that it’s never just another job- this is your baby. You deserve a voice actor who isn't happy until YOU are thrilled with the result.
That’s why your next project needs its Voice by Ben.
Ben is a Preferred Talent with Novartis Pharmaceuticals, ClearChannel Radio's Creative Services Group, Black Bug Room Productions, Zero Point Productions, Games That Work, Animatix 4D, UK's Art4Art, Snapdragon Media and Hedquist Productions.
James Earl Jones as Darth Vader was the very first impression I had of a VO performance, and to this day it's driven my passion. That lifelong desire to work in this field provides that "je ne sais oomph" that you won't always find in other talent.
He can be heard on radio commercials for Moe's Southwest Grill, Red Canoe Credit Union, E-learning presentations for Novartis Pharmaceuticals and Archer Software. He portrays dozens of characters for video games such as Heroes of Newerth and Enemy of Reason, and his animation work grows by the day- He's Pastor Paul Aurum on the web series Valbrook, and will be featured as the lead in the upcoming Black Bug Room. He's the imaging voice for Analog Hole Gaming, a video game news and review podcast. He has been a contributor/ guest host on Taverncast, World of Warcast and The Instance.
Animation Character Development - Bob Bergen
Animation Character Acting - Stevie Vallance
Animation Character Development - Crispin Freeman
Animation & Video Game character training - Kevin Delaney- VO Ninja
Private one-on-one coaching with Deborah Richards, Adam Drescher & Alicia Diaz - Creative Studios of Atlanta
Microphone Technique & Home Studio 101-103- Dan Lenard - The Home Studio Master
Skype for VO - Edge Studios
Twisted Wave - George Whittam - El Dorado Recording Studios
Learned audio production as on-air talent in radio and podcast engineering
Focusrite Scarlett 2i2
Dedicated recording Booth
Cool Edit Pro 2.1
Macbook Pro
As the son of an X-ray Technologist, I was raised around the medical industry, and its unique culture. Complex terminology for medicine, science and technology are fluent languages for me.
In a past life, I was an electrician, intrusion detection sales engineer and fire alarm/ life safety inspector. I've worked extensively with construction companies, contractors and building facility engineers- bringing firsthand knowledge to projects which need an instructional delivery. I've conducted orientations for new employees as well as trained seasoned pros on new processes and programs being unveiled, which makes for compelling industrial narratives.
A lifelong, self-labeled "geek," I've always enjoyed gadgets, video games and pretty much anything that plugs into the wall and goes "BEEP!" (Although in today's wireless age, I might need to revise that plugging in part). I'm usually the guy that friends and family call as de facto tech support, so I have a world of experience talking people through a troubleshooting process over the phone while keeping everyone's sanity in check.