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Arlene Stuart
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Arlene Stuart
Soft scottish accent-authoritative, warm or sultry
Last online11 years ago
Arlene Stuart
Soft scottish accent-authoritative, warm or sultry
Last online11 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 0:50 - Total samples: 1
Arlene Stuart Bits'n'pieces
Arlene Stuart - 0:50
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About Arlene
Member sinceJan 23, 2006
LocationEdinburgh, UK (GMT +1)
Arlene has a naturally soft Scottish accent but can deliver a sound to suit your needs. Professional & authoritative for presentations/instructional CD/CDRoms etc. Warm & friendly for tv narration or audiobooks etc. Fun & outgoing on commercials or Sexy & sultry on any of the above. With 20 years of experience Arlene will deliver first time, saving you time and money.
Skills and services offered
English - British
Voice gender & age
Female adult
Female young adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Experience, training, and equipment
Arlene Stuart has 18 years of experience in news, narration, commercials, audiobooks, presentations and radio & television broadcasts. She has experienced every aspect of broadcast work from voicing commercials (national & local) presenting weekly radio & television programmes (BBC Radio2, BBC Scotland, Granada Television, Scottish Television, Radio Forth) to facilitating at conferences for television, radio and private events (Hired by HRH Prince of Wales to host a meeting to discuss 'Built Heritage' at The Palace of Holyrood in Edinburgh). Arlene is based in Edinburgh and has recently installed her own BBC spec ISDN studio, with full editing facility. This allows the client to enjoy a quick, easy & professional voice-over at a very competitive voice over price.
Arlene Stuart learned her trade working with the BBC, voicing television & radio programmes, ITV, BBC Radio 2, Commercial radio across Britain and has evolved a style which delivers what you need, when you need it. Arlene takes direction extremely well and offers a professional, friendly, patient demeanor on every job.
Prima ISDN
Media Training