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Anthony Cipollo
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Anthony Cipollo
Character Specialist, Soothing, Deep, Energetic
Last online9 years ago
Anthony Cipollo
Character Specialist, Soothing, Deep, Energetic
Last online9 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 2:30 - Total samples: 2
Commercial Demo
Anthony Cipollo - 1:18
Narration Demo
Anthony Cipollo - 1:12
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About Anthony
Member sinceApr 6, 2006
LocationBensalem Township, PA, USA (GMT -4)
Anthony Cipollo is a voiceover artist specializing in a wide variety of styles and characters.
I truly believe that customer satisfaction is a top priority. When you work with me, you can rest easy knowing I will do everything I can possibly can to ensure you get a voice over you are happy with. I pride myself on being flexible and taking direction effortlessly.
I have a wide range that can fit almost any tone. From soft spoken, authoritative, and conversational, to humorous, comforting, and booming; I am able to create a voice over that is only limited by your imagination. I love to tell stories and create memorable characters, so don’t hesitate to work with me until you get exactly what you want.
I want to personally thank you for taking the time to visit my profile. Please feel free to take a listen to my demos. If you’d like to start a dialogue on how I can lend my expertise to your project, don't hesitate to get in touch.
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male adult
Male young adult
Male teenager
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Music production
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
Additional vocal abilities
Southern, British
Experience, training, and equipment
My Client list includes:
Lorray Design Studio
"Sleepover With Dan and Lauren" - Web Series
360° Solutions
Brett Furhman Real Estate
Trained with Rob Holt, Sandy Stefanowicz, Neill Hartley and Ruth Weisberg through an 8 week program called Voice Over: The Total Experience, as well as completing their advanced class.
Professionally trained in the Meisner technique of acting by Mel Williams.
My abilities don’t end with voice over. I am a skilled production specialist as well as a seasoned copywriter. I understand the technical side of each project just as well as the artistic. I take the time to produce high quality audio that gives an edge above the competition. Having experience in these areas gives me the knowledge to properly assist each client I interact with.