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Mike Amatori
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Mike Amatori
Upscale, Warm, Smooth, Smart, Approachable
Last online3 years ago
Mike Amatori
Upscale, Warm, Smooth, Smart, Approachable
Last online3 years ago
Playlists (1)
All my samples
Duration: 8:51 - Total samples: 7
National And Regional Demo
Mike Amatori - 2:18
Mike Amatori Quicky Demo
Mike Amatori - 1:00
M.Amatori Promo Image Dramatic
Mike Amatori - 1:34
Mike Amatori Promo Image Lite
Mike Amatori - 1:54
Voice Mail Phone Systems
Mike Amatori - 0:25
Mike Amatori Narration Demo
Mike Amatori - 0:34
Conversational Information
Mike Amatori - 1:03
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About Mike
Member sinceJul 29, 2008
I have a warm mature mid range voice, that can deliver Warm and Caring to Hi Energy Sell. It's flexable and fun, it's real and believable.
My clients like to call it "Classy but Approachable".
I am the Station Voice for America's Number One Newstalk Radio Station, KGO/ABC Radio in San Francisco. And The National Voice for The "On The House" A Nationaly Syndicated Home Improvment Radio Show for 17 years with over 185 affiliates
Skills and services offered
English - USA and Canada
Voice gender & age
Male senior
Male adult
Male young adult
Additional services offered
Audio editing and clean up
Jobs for these unions signatories
Recording and delivery options
Digital delivery
On-site recording
Additional vocal abilities
Just tell me what you need!
Nerdy Guy, Frat Boy, Young Dad, Software Executive, Lexus
Sales Guy, Smartass (any flavor), Fabulous Interior designer...
Hey, If I can't do it I'll tell you.
Experience, training, and equipment
As a Production Director, most every type of client copy has crossed my desk to voice or produce...mostly both!
I am an Announcer/Writer and Producer. I have 35 years of experience in the 4th Largest Media Market in the US.
Here are some of My Freelance Clients:
Black and Decker/National Radio
HP/Employeee Audio Newsletter and their Voice Mail Sys.
KRZS-FM Pheonix AZ/Image Voice/Promos
Century Chevrolet/Gilroy
Marx Pontiac Cadillac Buick GMC/ Los Banos
Toyota 101/ Redwood City
Danmer Shutters/Northern California
Lexus Stevens Creek/ San Jose
Visa Signature/ Radio Bay Area
National Voice/On the House Syndication
Dolans Lumber/5 Bay Area Locations
Frozen Food Council Northern California
American Musical Theater San Jose
Blue Nile Diamond Jewelry
Beach Blanket Baylon/Steve Silver Productions
Network Voice SF 49ers Radio Network 1996-2003
Network Voice Oakland A's Radio Network 1984-1992
Network Voice Oakland Raiders Radio Network 2002-Present
BA in Communications, San Francisco State University
AA College of San Mateo, Communications
Teaching Cred. CA Community Colleges/State of California
VO Training/Lucille Bliss San Francisco
I work at a Radio Station:
I will provide you with edited voice tracks.
Pro Tools
SoundLux Mics
EV-RE20 Mics
Pacific Recorder Mixers
I'm a Major Mkt Radio Production Director.
I Write, Voice and Produce Promo's and Spots Daily.
Call Me, 415-954-7511...I CAN HELP YOU !
I can clean up your copy and always suggest better ways to say it for maximum effect/impact.
I have produced 3 compilation CD's of my work that were sold for charity. They earned $130.000.00 in donations.
*I have won 5 ADDY Awards. AdMark
*I have won 2 "AP Mark Twain Awards" for News promo work.
*I have won 2 Silver Mics for Public Service
* I Wrote,Voiced and Produced all the Award Winners.