~~ Only Human VO. Warm Relevance. Earthy Elegance. NatashaMarchewka.com ~~
Knowledgeable Narrator. Your Closest Confidant. The Friend-You-Actually-Want-Next-Door. Book sessions here directly: https://calendly.com/natashamarchewka ~ 213.222.5847
natasha@natashamarchewka.com ~ https://natashamarchewka.com/
Co-Creator of "V123Pros.com", a Voice123 intensive training course.
Co-Producer, of "Speechless", a Voiceover Industry Webcast, sharing stories, resources, and unsolicited opinions. @SpeechlessVO and https://www.speechlessvo.com/.
Working as a voice talent since 2006, Natasha’s impeccable reputation with her clients garnered her referrals, allowing her to rapidly expand her business. Happy clients include First Horizon Bank, American Express, Universal Studios, and Florida tourism, just to name a few. In-show narration, corporate narration, and commercial voice over are Natasha’s specialties. Her professional studio includes a StudioBricks booth equipped with a Sennheiser 416 mic, a Yamaha AG03 interface, and Adobe Audition.
In her life before voice over, Natasha received her BAA in Radio and Television Arts from The Creative School at the Toronto Metropolitan University. As a singer, Natasha has had the honor of performing at Birdland, Windows on the World, and countless other venues. Always wanting to help other voice talent, Natasha has helped further VO education by Co-creating the V123Pros.com course and Co-Producing and Co-Hosting The “Speechless VO” webcast. Natasha loves to do Yoga and meditation when she’s not busy working or caring for her two teenagers, her rescue Great Dane, and her miniature poodle.