Heidi Umbhau is a voice actor located in Chicago, IL, USA. She has been actively working as a voice actor since 2024. Listen to 71 voice over samples that showcase her best work.
Heidi Umbhau is a full time voiceover artist with a professional home studio. Her voice has been described as an unexpected delight, confident, calming, professional, good scotch, wise and worldly. She has a multi-faceted background, having worked as a journalist, Press Secretary for the senior US Senator from Hawai'i (her home state), an executive consultant and media trainer and most recently as the director of communications and sustainability at a giant steel company. All that, and she's an accomplished miniaturist! Just saying.
Heidi loves multiple genres but has a special love for corporate narration, safety and compliance videos, having voiced many for her previous company. Her goal is to help you engage your own people and create a better workplace for all.