Dani St Germain is a voice actor located in Orange County, CA, USA. She has been actively working as a voice actor since 2012. She is known for her work as the Announcer in Mickey and the Magical Map , Announcer in EZCater Social media campaign and Announcer in Xcel Energy Television and Radio campaign. She has worked for a diverse pool of clients and brands, such as Disney, Amazon Business and Spoonful One. Listen to 49 voice over samples that showcase her best work.
dani@phantom-panda.com * SourceConnect danistgermain * https://danistgermain.com
Dani is a full time voice actor, singer, business owner, and mom of two wack-a-doo kids (4 and 6 years old).
She has worked for the Disneyland resort as a singer and actor for nearly 15 years, and has been hired as a voiceover artist and session singer for projects and shows in both the Disneyland Resort, and Hong Kong Disney. That being said, she's no naive princess.
She has a voice that is trustworthy and straightforward enough to walk you through installing your new baby's carseat, choosing an insurance provider, or soothing you to sleep, but unleash her sense of humor, and she'll bring copy to life with wit, snark, dry humor (her favorite), and a willingness to play and try new things. Dani takes great joy in finding the funny, while still making your product the star of the show.
Her years of experience at Disney makes her the ideal artist for kid's e-learnings, or animated projects.
If you're looking for something a little more serious, her vocal alto range brings a level of sexy sophistication to her work while still keeping things conversational and approachable.
You can't help but stop and listen when she speaks. Dani has a voice that pops...in a good way...