Having voiced over 100 commercials, 50 podcasts (as the host of Journeys To Motherhood), acting with voice (and on camera) in 6 films, and performing in 13 theatrical productions...Barbara's voice is also being used through animation as the character, Harley, in the webseries, Typical Strange.
Other characters include the voices of Hailey Dorisdailey, Stella Alliswella and Maxwell Makeyourbackswell in the upcoming CD series, WonderMoon.
Television and radio commercial clients include:
RH Brands
Bello Films
Manor House Kitchens
Hope Senior Care
FYI Cross Channels
Pella Window and Doors
King's Family Restaurant
...and many more.
Creative work, including the writing of copy, interpretation of copy and actual production work done with:
Bello Films
Berg Imaging
Poetess B
...and various commercials/phone systems.
Barbara is a seasoned actress in every realm, especially concentrated in the voice industry.
Having performed vo work for 10 years, Barbara has also sung in her church choir for 8 years, in a rock band for 3 years and performed in 6 films and 13 theatrical productions.
Barbara has been privately trained directly under voice-over legend, Jeff Bergman (Looney Tunes, Family Guy, Charlie Tuna).
Other training includes:
Duquesne University, Voice-Over Acting
Point Park College, The Voice of Theatre
"Actor's Point of View" Workshop, John Homa
Acting for the Camera, Adrienne Wehr, private training
Acting for the Camera, Kathryn Spitz, private training
MBox Mini with ProTools
Sterling ST77 microphone
Sennheiser speakers and headphones
Barbara has been extensively trained in college, in workshop forums and privately by her teacher/mentor, Jeff Bergman, (Looney Tunes, Charlie Tuna, Family Guy).
His guidance and inspiration catapulted her into the character realm of vo, bringing out her comedic, dramatic and sometimes downright crazy personas that emerge through her voice.
She has also been blessed with the natural ability to cough and sound stuffy and to burp on command. :)