With a range of ability, if you are looking for a warm and compassionate voice for commercial, serious and clear for narration, or strong emotions for acting, than you've found a lovely match.
Quick turnarounds with my own studio, with clear-broadcast quality sound.
Currently am taking on non-union work. Contact me directly through here, or send an email to Afloodtattooing@gmail.com
(Yes! I am also a tattoo artist. This means while VA'ing isn't my full time job, I am always expected to present myself in the best way to a wide range of clients. From business executives to urban college students, I use my voice to connect and instill a sense of trust between myself and those I will be leaving a truly permanent mark on. One of the biggest and most important parts of being a tattoo artist is being widely marketable, and this is a skill I also bring into my voice acting. I am consistently my own commercial, and have to sound the part!)