Chuck Montgomery is a voice actor located in Houston, TX, USA. He has been actively working as a voice actor since 2020. He has worked for a diverse pool of clients and brands, such as Verywell Health, Morally Gray Creations and New Leaf Chiropractic. Listen to 34 voice over samples that showcase his best work.
Thank you for supporting a Disabled Veteran of the United States Air Force by saving this profile to your favorites to easily find and message Chuck for your next project!
And just like the Air Force core values, Chuck strongly believes in Integrity First and strives for excellence in all he does!
For faster service, he can be reached by email at or by text/phone at (303) 217-3648 (be sure to leave a message). Chuck's available round the clock, so if you have a job that is hot and needs to be completed yesterday, message him and get it squared away quickly.
When engaging your audience, you want a warm, friendly voice that's calming, reassuring, sincere, and trustworthy. Facts are great, but emotions sell (both products and ideas) and Chuck's voice will resonate with hearts and minds to incite the listeners' senses and build a call to action within them. He can inspire them to reach new heights, relax their nerves while eLearning new skills, or build an emotional bond to give them hope when the light seems to have all but abandoned them.
Chuck's delivery is smooth and relatable whether you want a commercial in a conversational tone or eLearning module completed in a friendly, but more corporate tone.
He delivers in a soft, youthful, guy next door manner that people are happy to just sit back and listen to or wanna have a nice chat with.
Some other examples of his delivery have been described as:
light, dramatic, young, millennial, believable, bright, neutral, natural, dependable, convincing, clear, southern, Texas, mature, adult, appealing, inviting, welcoming, relaxed, chill, unique, full of character, honest, therapeutic, hopeful, authentic, confident, professional, believable, engaging, genuine, soothing, and informative.
Chuck can bring any of this to your commercial, eLearning module, character/animation, video game, whiteboard video, YouTube content, telephone messaging system, and more.
Aside from a neutral American male English accent Chuck also has his natural Texas accent, if you'd like something a little more "cornbread and grits."
Animation and video games are Chuck's passion in voice over! An assortment of voices are available, depending on the project you'd like completed. He has quite a wide range in those genres, which can be heard in his video game or animation samples. Tell him what you're looking for and see if he can find the right voice for you!
Current recording specs:
Acoustically Treated Recording Booth (noise floor below -60db)
Neumann TLM-103 Microphone
Audient ID-14 MKII Audio Interface
Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO 250ohm Headphones
Windows 10 Custom PC
Adobe Audition w/ Izotope Plugins / Premiere Pro / After Effects
Source Connect ID: chuck-montgomery
Chuck can also add a music bed, sound effects, or add to or sync with a video. Let him know what you need and he'll make it happen!